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September 03, 2018 2 min read

A quick little update for everyone.

Welcome Home Baby Girl...

Leigh and I would like to introduce you to our second daughter 'Summer'. 

She was born August 20th weighing 4lb 13oz at 5.08am.

Such a special girl needed a super special name and she will forever be our summer surprise and a ray of sunshine in our lives. 

We will give her a second name (like we did with Erica who is 'Erica May') but despite having thought it was chosen we think there might be something that will suit her feisty spirit even more so watch this space...

The eagle-eyed amongst you will also spot that the previous blog I wrote about her arrival into the world had her name rather sneakily slipped into it (titled 'Summertime Secrets' here). It made writing our story of the last two weeks feel soft, truly from the heart and wrapping it all up inside the word 'Summer' was my first step to bringing us all back together as a family.

How are we all?

Well.... we got Summer home on Saturday after common sense finally prevailed! 

It hasn't all been plain sailing unfortunately though and despite our very best intentions of a cocoon of rest and bubble of happy it hasn't quite worked out like that. If I said I actually haven't had a single nap or snooze during the day since being home and trying to recover from this ordeal would you even believe me?

Saturday was spent at the hospital collecting Summer and Sunday a well meaning midwife took up an unexpected chunk our first day at home together which was just unfortunate!

I have been back into the hospital today (monday) for blood tests which we are hoping don't mean I have to be readmitted (we should find out tomorrow) and then we received a call to say Summer has to go to a pediatrician in relation to a test that was run over a week ago... so one way or another back to the hospital we go tomorrow.

I am starting to think that the best answer to this insane rollercoaster is to just get off the ride. Don't answer any phonecalls, don't answer the door and just close all the curtains and pretend we have moved!