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Danish Design

Anti-Bacterial Duvet

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Danish Design Anti-Bacterial dog beds are stain-resistant, water-resistant and odour neutralising, everything a dog bed needs to be.

They are available in two elegant, subtle colours, Steel Grey and Forest Green.

Durable Fabric 

These anti-bacterial duvets are made with a hard-wearing fabric, which is stain and water-resistant, but still soft to the touch. 

Lifetime Antimicrobial

Antimicrobial effects last the life of the textile, prolonging its life span with the reduced need for constant washing

Silver Ion Technology

Silver ion technology gives additional hygiene, protection, and freshness, contributing to stopping odour-causing bacteria.

Fresh Evaporation

Freshness for your pet by evaporating water away and into the textile to be dispersed. 

Environmental Benefits

Machine washing only needs to be done at a low temperature reducing energy consumption. 

Size Guide

(please note sizes are for the cover only and once filled the dimensions will be less)

Medium 67 x 98cm

Large 87 x 132