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Scullcap & Valerian Tablets - Outlet Store

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Expiry Date 10/09/23

Dorwest Scullcap & Valerian tablets are a natural, licensed herbal medicine that is widely used as a treatment for the relief of habitual nervousness or anxiety in dogs and cats.

Containing natural ingredients Dorwest Scullcap & Valerian tablets use a blend of Valerian, Mistletoe, Scullcap, and Gentian all of which are considered to be actives that work in harmony together to help de-stress and relax your pets without sedating. 

The careful blend of these active ingredients when used long-term can help relieve anxiety, nervousness, and excitability in dogs and cats.

What fears/behaviour can they help relieve?

Dorwest Scullcap & Valerian Tablets can be of significant benefit to dogs and cats suffering from noise phobias and fears associated with fireworks, thunder and gunfire, as well as for general excitability and hyperactivity. 

For particularly phobic dogs it is recommended to start using the tablets one month in advance of a known event (see below for further information).

They are also very popular for use in travel-related anxiety and for territorial urine spraying in cats.

This licensed herbal medicine is also used under veterinary supervision to control epilepsy, often alongside conventional treatments - do not use to treat epilepsy without consulting your vet. 

What are licensed herbal medicines?

As a manufacturer of licensed herbal veterinary medicines, Dorwest must demonstrate a product is medicinal and this is subject to an evaluation by the relevant authorities. This is quite rightly a very thorough, complex process and is regulated by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate - a government agency. Dorwest have been manufacturing authorised veterinary herbal medicines in the UK for over 40 years.

What dosage should I give?

Dosage: 1-2 tablets per 5kgs bodyweight daily, ideally given as two split doses, depending on the severity of the condition. For use on singular occasions, give 12 hours and 2 hours before event using the higher dosage rate.  

Fireworks Season Top tip

Buy your supply of Scullcap and Valerian Tablets (and Organic Valerian Compund if using in addition as a top-up) well in advance of fireworks night - there is often huge demand around this time. See guide below for help selecting the correct product for your dog or cat.


When do I need to start giving it to my pet? (including Fireworks season)

The more severe the phobia the earlier you should start, up to a month prior to the event in some cases. For moderate phobias start around 10 days before the predicted worst night however even if you only start the day or so before your dog or cat will still benefit. 

Are your pets ready? 

One month to go (for severe phobias) 

Pets with severe phobias will benefit from being given Scullcap & Valerian Tablets on a daily basis right now. 

10 days to go (for moderate phobias) 

Start giving Scullcap & Valerian Tablets daily. 

One day to go 

If necessary double the dose of Scullcap & Valerian Tablets (if you haven't started giving any dose at all yet it isn't too late to start, your pet will still feel a benefit) 

The big Day 

Keep giving the Scullcap & Valerian Tablets at the higher dose (if needed) with a dose being given before dusk. Ensure you have Organic Valerian Compound on hand to top-up with if necessary.

Which Dorwest Relaxing product should I use?

Dorwest relaxing products are available in two formats; Scullcap & Valerian Tablets and Organic Valerian Compound (liquid), the two products can be used in combination with each other for pets that are especially phobic or stressed. 

Scullcap & Valerian Tablets 

Used daily and on a longer-term basis these will provide your pet with better coverage and are ideal to start use in the lead up to Fireworks Night.

Organic Valerian Compound

Quicker acting and perfect to use as a 'top up' in addition to your pets normal dose of Scullcap & Valerian Tablets the Valerian Compound (here) will help your pets cope with unpredicted fireworks events (such as neighbours having a display) or a thunderstorm.

The liquid is ideal for calming dogs or cats by dropping it onto some food before feeding or using a small amount on their bedding.

What if it doesn't work?

Anxiety and nervous behaviour in dogs and cats can be due to a number of varied causes including habitual ingrained anxiety.

Every pet is different and with a unique personality will respond to their own treatment plan, while herbal products are ideal to induce a calm and relaxed demeanour some cases will also strongly benefit from the additional use of behavioural techniques from a qualified animal behaviourist (guidance to finding a qualified behaviourist here).

Other useful things

Dorwest Herbs products can also be used in conjunction with Pet Remedy.


  • Suitable for dogs and cats
  • Benficial with long term use
  • Use daily up to a month prior to a known stressful event
  • Use in conjunction with Valerian Compound
  • Naturally, relaxes and calms
  • Non-sedating
  • Can help reduce anxiety with noise phobias
  • Ideal for fireworks season
  • Popular for use with travel anxiety
  • Can help aid problems surrounding territory spraying in cats


Active ingredients: Extract Valerian 5:1 50mg; Extract Mistletoe 3:1 50mg; Scullcap 30mg; Extract Gentian 2:1 24mg.

Additional Information

Use during pregnancy and lactation: Not recommended

Age from which can be used: 8 weeks of age

Interactions: Can be given in conjunction with any other medication

Long or short term use: Both as the condition requires.

Special warnings: Epilepsy should only be treated in consultation with a veterinary surgeon

Sugar coated tablet: Yes

Always read the label