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The item you are looking at will be delivered directly from one of our Partners.
If you haven't seen 'Delivered by our Partners' or 'Sent Direct from Our Supplier' on the product page then your order will be shipped by us, Barks & Bunnies.
Bowl & Bone Republic products have their own separate delivery & returns information here. For all other products specified as 'delivered by our Partners' please see below.
The item will be shipped directly from one of our trusted supply Partners, in most instances this will be the same company as the product brand. Please note that while we try to keep our stock levels as accurate as possible there may be times where our partners are unable to fulfill an order and this is unfortunately outside our control.
If ordering multiple items they may arrive in different parcels and on different days, but don't worry, we will keep you informed of when your items dispatch and send tracking details where applicable.
Larger items, such as dog beds will typically require someone to sign for them.
Orders processed by our Partners are normally processed within one or two working days and typically sent next working day (often by DPD or Parcelforce or Royal Mail) however at busy periods there may be a short delay.
If placing your order at 4pm your item will typically ship within 24-48 hours (excludes weekends), during busy periods this may take longer.
If placing your order at 10am your item may ship the same day, or the day after (excludes weekends), during busy periods this may take longer.
If you need your item by a specific day please put a note on your order at the checkout (or contact us first). We are always happy to speak with our Partners and work with them to see if we can get your order delivered on a particular day.
Please note there may be additional delays to this process if our Partners warehouse is busy, such as at Christmas.
It is very rare for a standard UK mainland delivery to incur any extra charges other than those shown at the checkout and so there will be no additional postage to pay.
There may be exceptional circumstances where despite our best efforts the shipping cost is different to that shown at the checkout but typically this is more likely to affect international orders (or outside UK Mainland) and if ordering larger items such as dog beds.
If your order is affected we will contact you within two working days of placing your order and advise any additional shipping costs. Please be assured all shipping costs are charged on a pass-through basis and not marked up.
These items are subject to our standard returns/exchange policy.
There may in some cases be a restocking charge for these items of up to £10 so if ordering a product which requires measuring please do so carefully.
In most circumstances where an order has been delivered by our Partners we will ask you to return your item directly to them where they will check it to ensure that it is in new condition and saleable. If they find any reason why it is no longer able to be put back into stock we have a partnership of complete trust with all suppliers and the refund will NOT be processed. We will offer to arrange to have the item returned to you at your own cost.
As a small family business, we don't hold stock of every item and instead have built strong relationships with our Partners, allowing us to offer you a wider range of products for your pets while ensuring efficient reliable deliveries, along with our great customer service.