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May 16, 2017 1 min read

What says Spring more than a field full of baby lambs hopping and skipping around the fields with their mothers.

So off we all went with Albie to find Spring 2017!

And of course Kizzie came too!

It wasn't long until we found a rolling green field full of lambs with their mums. 

Albie & Kizzie were safely on a lead behind the fence so didn't get into the photo and we kept our distance - after all if I was a new mum I wouldn't want hoards of people coming and staring at me!

It was a lovely walk all together - the only thing missing was the sunshine!

Before we knew it time had ticked by and it was time to go home... but not before Albie gave hoodad Leigh a big cuddle to say thank you for a fun walk!